1. Is Troy Fleetwood Consulting
Ltd. licensed, bonded and insured?
2. Is Troy Fleetwood Consulting
Ltd a member of the BBB?
3. Does Troy Fleetwood
Consulting Ltd. pull the necessary permits to complete projects?
4. Does Troy Fleetwood
Consulting Ltd. provide design services?
5. What can I expect when
my renovations occur?
Is Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd.
licensed, bonded and insured?
Yes. Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd. operates under all appropriate
licensing requirements. See our Credentials page for complete informaiton
regarding our licensing and insurance coverage.
Is Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd
a member of the BBB?
Yes. Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd. is a member of the Edmonton
and area BBB with a complaint free status.
Does Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd.
pull the necessary permits to complete projects?
Yes. Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd. and their sub-trades pull all
required permits and have all required inspections performed as
a part of their contract.
Does Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd.
provide design services?
Yes. Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd. can offer design suggestions
and can develop computer generated plans to share with homeowners
and to meet permit requirements. In addition to this service we
have ready access to other design professionals to assist with planning
if needed.
What can I expect when my renovations
Troy Fleetwood Consulting Ltd. is proud to keep a safe working
environment for our employees and a safe environment for our clients.
Having said this there is still a great deal of dust and mess during
any construction process. If possible, Troy Fleetwood Consulting
Ltd. suggests that clients plan on living outside of the home for
major renovations. Of course this may not be possible or feasable
for smaller renovations. Homeowners will need to understand that
dust is a part of the process and they may experience some inconvience
during the renovation. Our staff and sub-trades work to ensure that
a safe environment is left for the homeowner at the end of every
work day and efforts are made to minimize the mess.